I need ... i want ... So, so many ... confusions. … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

More ... i write ... more i understand that ... i don't really know so well the meaning of ... the words ... i am using.

So ... i could say ... writing this new book "What do you want?!" ... that i don't clearly understand the differences between "i want" and "i need".

I ... somehow believe that ... all i want is what ... i need.

So ... I continue saying ... i want ... i want ... i want ... because consciously or unconsciously ... i feel that i need all that.

But ... what if all is just ... a confusion.

Maybe ... i say ... "I want a brunette woman" ... because my friend Brian has a beautiful brunette.

In fact ... i don't really need a brunette woman.

I just ... envy Brian ... cause he is with this beautiful lady ... and i want to have what he has.

... all being a story about envy.

Not ... a desire.

Or ... maybe the real truth is that i like this woman he is with ... and i want her.

So ... yes ... i don't want a brunette.



I don't need .... a woman.

... however she might be .... blonde ... brunette.

Even if she might be ... miss Universe.

So ... all is unclear.

I say ... "I want a brunette " ... but all is a weird reflection from my unconscious ... envying Brian and wanting in fact ... his woman.

I go deeper.

I analyse other similar desires from my past.

And ... again ... i am confused.

So ... do i really need what i say ... "i want..." or is all a confusion provoked by my unconscious?!

Most certainly ... all looks unclear.

Yes ...

But ... i try to meditate more.

Deeper ... and deeper.

.... and don't fool myself anymore.




Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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